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Apex Tool Group

Parent company Apex Tool Group

The Apex Tool Group was founded in July 2010 as a joint venture combining the companies Danaher Tool Group and Cooper Tools. The new company is providing superior products, guarantees on-time delivery and offers an unbeatable customer service. The Apex Tool Group is focused on product innovations whose success is based on listening to our customers and continuous improving of ourselves in everything that we do.

Com­pany Name: Apex Tool Group
Head­quar­ters: Sparks, Mary­land, USA (North of Bal­ti­more)
Num­ber of em­ploy­ees: 8,000
Op­er­a­tions: over 30 coun­tries around the world.
Rev­enues: ap­prox­i­mately $1.5 bil­lion

Industries served:

Pro­fes­sional Elec­tronic Tools:
The sector Professional Electronic Tools includes precision soldering systems, extraction technology and workplace aeration as well as cutting tools and accessories for electronics manufacturing. Further brands in this professional area are the innovative servo drives and machine controllers. Through a large network of distributors and regional sales partners, these products are widely distributed in nearly all industry sectors. European manufacturing and sales facilities of the Professional Electronic Tools are the German plants in Besigheim and Braunschweig.

Hand Tools:
In Europe the Hand Tools product line is managed and distributed by the German plant in Besigheim and by the Dutch plant in Emmen. This segment consists of industrial hand tools, mechanic tools, industrial tools, merchandise, industrial chains, transport boxes, specialty tools for industry-related industries, drill chucks and many more. These tools are used worldwide in automotive workshops, in industrial manufacturing and assembly as well as in the DIY sector.

Power Tools:
The Power Tools product portfolio consists of electrical and pneumatic motor-driven tools and accessories for automated screw-driving and drilling systems. These tools are used worldwide in aircraft construction, in the automotive industry, in energy companies and also in industrial manufacturing and assembly technology companies. Wherever productivity and durability are paramount, the power tools of the Apex Tool Group are at home. In Europe tools of the Power Tools segment are manufactured and sold at the locations Westhausen in Germany and Ozoir in France.

About Metronix

About Metronix

When applications require highest dynamics, precision and power reserves, the Metronix products are in use. More than 70.000 servo drives are leaving the plant in Braunschweig every year. The focus is on central switch cabinet servo drives and decentral servo drives.

All products are built-up on a main hardware platform and, based on the Metronix standard devices, can be quickly adapted to customer-specific requirements. This customizing offers the user a high level of freedom. Motivated teams in all areas ensure the future success. Embedded in the worldwide operating Apex Tool Group with more than 8.000 employees in 30 countries Metronix is supporting its customers with the global sales and service structure.

Certified quality

Certified quality

For a quality-conscious manufacturer of high-quality products, professional quality management is a matter of course. That’s why the quality management system of Metronix is audited and assessed by Lloyd‘s Register Quality Assurance since 1996. Since then we yearly prove by audits that our operation complies with the requirements of the European Standard EN ISO 9001:2015. The entire software development process is implemented and secured following SPICE-Level 2 (Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination) and ISO/IEC 15504. The ARS 2000 series is certified according to UL/cUL.

Core values

Our core values

Cus­tomers come first:

Our first pri­or­ity is ex­ceed­ing cus­tomer ex­pec­ta­tions for qual­ity, de­liv­ery, value, and in­no­va­tion.

In­tegrity in all we do:

In­tegrity is the key to build­ing strong re­la­tion­ships with co-work­ers, cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers, sales chan­nel part­ners, and our com­mu­ni­ties.

Con­tin­u­ous im­prove­ment:

Con­tin­u­ous im­prove­ment in every as­pect of our busi­ness.  Im­ple­ment and sus­tain safe, lean processes to drive out waste and im­prove pro­duc­tiv­ity.

In­no­va­tion for growth:

Cre­ative ideas im­ple­mented with speed keep us ahead.

Best tal­ent – one team.

Our em­ploy­ees are high per­form­ing, en­tre­pre­neur­ial in­di­vid­u­als who know how to win as a team.


Scalability is our DNA

With its products Metronix has realised scalable and functional platforms: The fully scalable servo drives come only with the functionality on board that is necessary for your application. Simple applications and tasks require only the cost-effective basic version. The higher the requirements, the more a high-end servo drive can be configured from a basic version. This scalability is a big advantage for your complex applications.

Smart ideas for great projects

Smart ideas for great projects

To visualize the extreme performance of the ARS 2000 servo drive, we have chosen an example from nature: the ant. This insect is an enormous carrier and moreover it is perfectly organized. As like the compact servo drives, that moves for example machine tools or robots in a precise, dynamic and controlled way.

Ant Metronix